August 27, 2002 Archives

Viridiana had to send me a file, so I setup mod_dav to give us a shared folder that easily works from both her Windows 2000 computer and from my PowerBook (and from Linux with mod_davfs if I bothered to set it up). And from web browsers everywhere. It's very cool. Much nicer than pushing huge attachments around. Everyone will have their own "iDisk" on their own server soon.

On OS X my sub folders seem to disappear randomly though; and likewise for contents in them. Sometimes it works; most of the time not. Hmn. I wonder if it's the brand new 2.0.41-dev I compiled or if it's something else. It seems to work okay with our DAV installation at

Update: Ah, adding

BrowserMatch "^WebDAVFS/" redirect-carefully

to the httpd.conf fixed it. Apparently the Mac OS X mod_dav client is just as broken as the Microsoft one (the default httpd.conf has an entry for their client already).

Update (September 5th): From the next version of Apache 2.0 it will be the default too.

Date: 6 Sep 2002 03:09:56 -0000
From: wsanchez
To: httpd-2.0-cvs
Subject: cvs commit: httpd-2.0/docs/conf

wsanchez 2002/09/05 20:09:56

Modified: docs/conf
Add Apple's DAV filesystem to list of broken clients wrt redirects.
Limit to shipped versions on the theory that this will be addressed in
the next version.

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