August 5, 2003 Archives

Sore throat


camomileLike John Engler I've managed to get a summer cold. I've been mostly inoperative since some time in the weekend. It sucks. Luckily I'm not getting tired of drinking camomile yet. Viridiana thinks I should get some real medicine, but I like to save that for some day I really need it.

In the meantime I found out that Tropicana is a PepsiCo company; so now I only like orange juice from Florida's Natural, in particular since Horizon Organic got bought by Dean Foods. Yes yes, I realize it doesn't make any sense. Please leave me alone.

Brian started a weblog some months ago, and stopped again it seems like. I keep forgetting to add a link to Ben Hyde's weblog. Oh, and Kåre started a weblog (in Danish) about his and Line's impending trip to San Diego.

oooh, water is boiling. Time for some more tea.

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