April 23, 2003 Archives

Okay, so you already knew that. I just have to vent for a second.

We were transferring the perl.org domain to OpenSRS from Network Solutions. The admin contact for the domain approved the transfer within a few hours; leaving us to wait "up to a week" for the original registrar to approve it too. Of course those #@$%@# scum at network solutions wait a week and then reject the transfer for no particular reason. The message is that we need to contact them to find out why. Great!

I hope NetSol have improved on their previous record of not replying to email and not picking up the phone. The domain expires in about 6 weeks. It would be just like them to wait until it's close enough that we'll have to pay them for another year. Grrrh.

Update: To my amazement I did get a reply from NetSol within 24 hours and so far they are either not completely evil or concealing their malintent very well. Maybe they have cleaned up their act, but have so much bad karma from the past following them that noone will believe them for the next 30 years? If only the same could happen to lying elected officials.

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