April 21, 2003 Archives

Lilja 4-ever


[Lilja 4-ever poster]I had written a semi long review of Lilja 4-ever by Lukas Moodysson when Camino decided to crash. Grrh. That should teach me to avoid the distributors flash infested website.

The movie opens with Lilja battered and on the run to loud Rammstein music, and that's about the most hopeful that happens in the whole movie. It's the most painful movie you'll see in a while, but also one of the best. Go and see it, it will only play for a short time. (Until Thursday at the Nuart Theatre here in Los Angeles). It plays in New York also and will play in Seattle soon.

Now read James Berardinelli's review or the L.A. Times review.

If after reading the reviews you are thinking "hey, I don't have to see that. I don't have the energy. I want to be entertained; not moved. I don't want to remember, just have fun for a couple of hours" - or maybe you don't think it's such a good choice for a first date movie (you would be right about that). Then go and see Bend it like Beckham which is just nice happy cute plain fun.

If you are up for it, I really recommend Lilya 4-ever (showtimes).

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