January 22, 2005 Archives

Differential Pricing


Sometime last year we bought some games in a GameStop store and got a free subscription to GameInformer. It's running out now and with the magazine came a card (actually, the "card" was wrapped all around it) telling "just $10 for 10 issues!". Not so bad. Except that's "in store only". If I renew by mail it's $20. I don't want to go to the store and I don't want to pay more than the "best price", so to the trash it goes. (update: Hilarious, the price online is $15. I understand all magazines have pricing like this, but they generally don't push it quite so hard in your face. Do the store pay them the extra $5 for getting you to go to the store?).

See also Camels and Ruber Duckies (aka Spolsky on software pricing)

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